The Job Cost inquiry program can display active or closed jobs. This program displays a summary line for each job. The inquiry program provides inquiries into Accounts Receivable history, Accounts Payable unpaid and paid, and open Purchase Orders if these applications are installed.
Selecting Job Info while having a job line highlighted will display the following screens. The inquiries mentioned above are available from these screens as well as phase level information and notes.
The Job Info screens display information about the job including permit numbers and pertinent date information.
The Architect screen displays information about the architect, lending institution and 10 user defined fields.
The Job Summary screen is an overview of all activity for the job including billed/unbilled, percent complete and projected cost to finish.
The Phase Summary screen is an overview of all the activity for the phase including billed/unbilled, percent complete and projected cost to finish.
The Phase Detail Inquiry displays the detail entries for the date range specified.
The Change Orders button will display the following screens if change orders exist for the particular job being displayed.
Change orders can have multiple phases associated with them.
Approving a change order updates (or creates) the phase total record's net change order amount field and if entered estimate totals.