Organize and control your service department with the Sirius Service Manager/Dispatch.
Service Manager/Dispatch centers around the dispatch screen. Each work order is shown on one line with the current status, current work order and customer. As the technician calls in to complete a work order, his status is updated and a new work order is assigned.
When assigning a new work order to the technician, the dispatcher just needs to drag and drop a work order onto a technician.
Service Manager/Dispatch updates the Accounts Receivable. From Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Inventory and Job Cost are updated.
Produce periodic billings for Service contracts. Generate and dispatch work orders for service calls and repairs. Schedule and generate work orders for inspections and preventive maintenance. Produce labels and envelopes to keep your customers informed and prospect for new accounts.
All this and more is included in the Service Manager/Dispatch. You can track your service costs. Analyze profits by item, technician, category, customer, etc. Pop-up previous work orders. Have the information at your fingertips to answer your customers questions.
Service Manager/Dispatch ties in directly to the Sirius Accounts Receivable, Inventory Control, and all other modules of Sirius GT Accounting. Your Accounts Receivable is always up to date, and with the addition of General Ledger you can produce accurate and timely financial statements.
 | Schedule unlimited technicians with up to three per work order |
 | User defined priorities for dispatch |
 | Print work orders, or queue them in the system |
 | Timely tracking of billings through Sirius GT Accounts Receivable |
 | Generate contract billing by date, cycle or meter |
 | Print work orders or queue for dispatch |
 | Use work order history to track repairs, maintenance |
 | Multiple comment and instruction lines |
 | Technician (Crew) Number - 3 alpha/numeric |
 | Number of Technicians (crews) - unlimited |
 | User changeable titles for Category, Model and Version |
 | Item Number - 10 alpha/numeric |
 | Description - 30 characters |
 | Category - 8 characters |
 | Model - 14 characters |
 | Version - 6 characters |
 | Serial Number - 15 characters |
 | Customer - 8 alpha/numeric |
 | Location - 2 alpha/numeric |
 | Contract Number - 20 characters |
 | Contract Billing Code - 4 characters |
 | Contract billing by Date or Meter |
 | Work Order Billing Code - 4 characters |
 | Work Order Problem - up to 15 lines, 60 characters each |
 | Work Order Service Comments - up to 90 lines, 60 characters each |
 | Input and Update Items |
 | Search by:
 | Item, Model, Category |
 | Serial Number, Version |
 | Customer |
 | Ship To Location |
 | Input and update Work Orders, quickly search and enter the Work Order with multiple comment lines and instructions. Option to print immediately, hold for dispatch, queue to print later. |
 | Schedule the work order for any date and time, select up to three technicians. |
 | Assign a priority to the work order. |
 | Dispatch the work orders by technician, order number, customer |
 | Print the work orders by technician, order number, customer |
 | Generate Inspection and Preventive Maintenance Work Orders |
 | Update completed work order, input time and parts, calculate billing and cost of goods |
 | Print invoices and post to Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Job Cost |
 | Input and Update Miscellaneous Charges for additional one-time or recurring charges to
contracts |
 | Update Meter Reading for Items billed by Meter Count |
 | Generate and Print Invoices by date, meter, cycle |
 | Update the Accounts Receivable, and pass invoices on to General Ledger |
 | Inquire into open work orders and work order history |
 | Print open work orders and work order history |
 | Print item master list |
 | Print contract billing list |
 | Print profitability report by item, customer, category, etc. |
 | Print work order history analysis for customer, item, technician, etc. |
 | Print labels, envelopes for mailing |
 | Print profitability report and clear totals and history for year end |
 | Contract or Rental billing code maintenance |
 | Work order billing code maintenance |
 | Service response code table maintenance |
 | Service representative table maintenance |
Service Manager Requires: